WebTool Suite

WebTool Suite is a collection of handy tools. We are providing web tools that will be helpful for you or your organization for automating repetitive tasks and saving your working time. Our primary goal is to automate repetitive tasks of Web/Desktop/Mobile app developers, and we will provide solutions for every possible solvable problem for all computer users. Our publicly accessible WebTool interfaces are easily operatable for every level of user. Most of our free tools run on visitor's browsers for performing their functions, also do not send any data to the server which is why our web tools are very fast, secure, and easy to use.

Free WebTools

Text Tools

Encoder / Decoder

Math Tools



About our WebTools

Base64 Encoder

Base64 Encoder mainly used for embeding binary/image data into XML/HTML or transfaring data into asci supported medium. It is a MIME content transfer encoding. Which is very useful for embeding image into HTML or transfering through URL query string. Base64 version of a string or file will be increased size of its source size. Our this webtool has two textbox. One for original input text another for converted base64 text. It also has large set of caracter encoding support. You will also be able to copy or download output text.

Example Base64 text of "Best webtool for Base64 encoder and decoder" is QmVzdCB3ZWJ0b29sIGZvciBCYXNlNjQgZW5jb2RlciBhbmQgZGVjb2Rlcg== base64 encoded text.

Base64 Decoder

This web tool restore encoded text into it's original form. There has one input box another one is for showing the output. You can also decode text from output textbox to input textbox.

HTML Encoder / Decoder

This tool will encode HTML text and will allow you to download your encoded text. Also you will be able to restore encode HTML text into it's original form. Single webtool will work for both HTML encoding and decoding.

Example HTML Encoding:
Plain HTML Input:

    <title>WebTool HTML Encoder/Decoder</title>
    <p> This a HTML code block </p>

HTML Encoded Output:
    &lt;title&gt;WebTool HTML Encoder/Decoder&lt;/title&gt;
    &lt;p&gt; This a HTML code block &lt;/p&gt;

URL Encoder / Decoder

Our URL conder webtool has two text box. One for typing or pasting your input URLs and another is for encoded output. There have also buttons for copying and downloading output text.

Example: Encoded URL https%3a%2f%2fwebtoolsuite.com%2fabout of URL https://webtoolsuite.com/about